LA 6


Please click on the links below to view our Trust policies.

Allegations of Abuse made Against Staff Policy (TAET) (October 2023)

Anti-Fraud Corruption and Bribery Policy (TAET) (November 2021)

Attendance Policy (TAET) (June 2022)

Bereavement Policy (TAET) (July 2023)

Business Continuity Plan (TAET) (January 2024)

Capability Policy (TAET) (March 2024)

CCTV Policy (TAET) (May 2022)

Charging and Remissions Policy (TAET) (June 2022)

Complaints Policy (TAET) (October 2021)

Data Handling Security Policy (TAET) (November 2023)

Data Protection Policy (TAET) (May 2024)

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Policy (March 2024)

E-Safety Policy (TAET) (November 2023)

Fire Safety Management Policy (TAET) (September 2023)

First Aid Policy (TAET) (January 2023)

Flexible Working Policy (TAET) (March 2024)

Freedom of Information Publication Scheme Policy (TAET) (November 2023)

Grievance Policy (TAET) (October 2022)

Health and Safety Policy (TAET) (May 2024)

Information Governance Strategy Policy (TAET) (November 2023)

Information Systems Policy (TAET) (May 2024)

Investment Policy (TAET) (March 2023)

IT Management Policy (TAET) (March 2023)

Lettings Policy (TAET) (November 2022)

Lone Worker Policy (TAET) (May 2022)

Mental Health & Wellbeing Policy (TAET) (September 2020)

Minibus Policy (TAET) (May 2024)

Parental Leave Policy (TAET) (March 2024)

Pay Policy (TAET) (November 2023)

Premises Management Policy (TAET) (May 2022)

Professional Development & Appraisal Policy (TAET) (June 2021)

Publication Scheme (December 2023)

Records Management Policy (TAET) (November 2023)

Reserves Policy (TAET) (March 2023)

Retention Schedule Policy (TAET) (June 2024)

Safer Recruitment Policy (TAET) (October 2023)

School Closure Notification Policy (TAET) (May 2022)

Staff Absence, Sickness and Cover Policy (TAET) (March 2024)

Staff Code of Conduct (TAET) (March 2024)

Staff Discipline Policy (TAET) (March 2024)

Staff Dress Code (TAET) (October 2021)

Staff Transfer Policy (TAET) (June 2022)

Statutory Request Policy (TAET) (October 2023)

Supporting Students with Medical Needs Policy (TAET) (June 2022)

Trips & Visits Policy (TAET) (January 2024)

Whistleblowing Policy (TAET) (March 2023)

If you would like to view the policies for our schools, please click the links below to the policies sections on their websites:

The Langley Academy

The Langley Academy Primary

The Langley Heritage Primary